Timeline 1914-1916
Jul 27 - Enver Pasha and the German ambassador meet secretly to talk about a Turko-German alliance
Aug 2 - The secret Turko-German alliance is signed
Aug 3 - Churchill informs the Turkish authorities that the two warships they had ordered from Britain will not be released and are confiscated
Aug 4 - Britain declares war to Germany
Aug 11 - The German battle-cruiser Goeben and its escorting cruiser Breslau under Admiral Souchon arrive at Constantinople after their bombardment of the French North African ports and, with their crews, are handed over to the Ottoman navy. The Dardanelles are closed for Allied ships
Aug-Oct - Intense but belated British diplomatic activity in effort to secure Turkish neutrality
Oct 28/29 - Three Turkish torpedo-ships with a German crew attack Odessa and the Goeben does the same at Sebastopol, a provocation to draw Turkey further into the war at Germany's side. Britain and France send ultimatum to Turkey
Nov 1 - First ships carrying the Australian Expeditionary Force (AIF) leave Australia
Nov 2-7 - Declarations of war arrive at Constantinople from Russia, Britain, France, Montenegro, Japan and Belgium. Britain annexes Cyprus, held by the Ottomans since 1878
Nov 3 - British ships bombard the forts of Seddulbahir and Kum Kale without causing any serious damage
Nov 14 - Sultan, as Caliph of Islam, proclaims holy war against all enemies of Turkey; ignored by the Hashemite sharifs of Mecca and Medina who had their own agenda
Dec 1 - AIF begins disembarkation in Egypt
Dec 13 - Lieutenant Holbrook dives in his submarine B11 under the minefields in the Straits and sinks the old Turkish battleship Messudieh
Dec 17 - Turkish offensive launched against Russians in eastern Anatolia against advice of Liman von Sanders
Dec 18 - British Protectorate proclaimed in Egypt, where threat to Suez Canal is perceived. Anzacs, en route to Europe, held in Canal Zone to stiffen defences
Dec 21 - Major General Birdwood takes command of the newly formed Australian & New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC)
Dec 29 - The disastrous Battle of Sarikamish: of Enver's 100.000 strong army, only 18.000 survivors returned to Turkey
December 1914- August 1915 - Russo-Turkish campaign, resulting in defeat of Turks who turn on the Armenian population in Anatolia, deported and massacred thousands
Jan 2 - Csar Nicholas of Russia appeals for an Allied demonstration to relieve pressure in Caucasus, this is used by the 'Easterners' as leverage for an operation against Constantinople.
Jan 3 - British War Council discusses aid to Russia
Jan 8 - During a meeting in London, Admiral Carden informs Churchill that a naval attack might force the Straits with an appropriate strength in warships
Jan 13 - War Council approves plan for Royal Navy forcing Dardanelles
Jan 28 - The definitive plans for an attack on the Dardanelles are officially accepted
Jan 29 - The Allied Fleet is assembled
Feb 3/4 - Djemal Pasha attacks the Suez Canal after an advance through the desert, but is easily beaten back
Feb 9 - The British War Council agrees to send troops to support the Naval operation
Feb 16 - War Council decides to concentrate troops in vicinity of Dardanelles
Feb 19 - British and French battleships under Carden bombard outer forts at Dardanelles
Feb 23 - Island of Lemnos taken over as base for allied fleet (in Mudros Bay)
Feb 25 - Further bombardments of Turkish forts
Feb 26 - Battleships reach entrance of Narrows during bombardment Landing parties of Royal Marines destroy Turkish guns in forts
Mar 1 - Four battleships enter Straits and bombard intermediate defences. Demolition parties land and destroy more guns. Four French battleships bombard Bulair Lines from Gulf of Saros
Mar 2 - Dardanelles bombardment continues
Mar 3/4 - Naval party land at Seddulbahir to destroy gun batteries
Mar 4 - Australian 3rd Infantry Brigade arrives at Lemnos Island
Mar 4-7 - Naval operations continue against Dardanelles defences
Mar 10/11 - Naval bombardment at Bulair and Dardanelles
Mar 10 - The British War Counsel decides to send the 29th Division to the East
Mar 11 - General Sir Ian Hamilton is appointed as commander-in-chief for the operation
Mar 13 - Hamilton receives final instructions from Kitchener
Mar 15 - Minor naval activity at Dardanelles
Mar 17 - Hamilton arrives at Tenedos
Mar 18 - Major naval attempt to force the Straits by Anglo-French fleet under Vice-Admiral de Robeck fails, with heavy losses (three battleships sunk, one badly damaged, one battlecruiser damaged). General Sir Ian Hamilton, newly arrived as C in C Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, makes quick inspection of possible landing beaches on Gallipoli peninsula
Mar 19 - Naval action not renewed. Telegram from Hamilton to Kitchener, stating that only combined naval and infantry action could be successful
Mar 22 - Decision for a combined naval and infantry operation is taken
Apr 1 - ANZAC formations ordered to Gallipoli
Apr 10 - First transports leave for Mudros carrying the ANZACs
Apr 11 - Hamilton's staff members arrive in Alexandria
Apr 13 - Battleships Queen Elizabeth and Queen reconnoitre Gallipoli Peninsula coastline with Expeditionary Force commanders and staff.
Apr 25 - Landings at Kum Kale by the French, at Anzac by the Australians and New Zealanders and at Helles by the British
Apr 26 - Turkish counter attacks beaten off at Anzac
Apr 27 - Six battalions of French troops arrive at Helles and occupy the right flank near the Kerevez Dere. Turkish attacks against the ANZAC centre and at Walker's Ridge beaten off
Apr 28 - First Battle of Krithia; ill-starred attack fails in confusion due to poor staff work and exhaustion of troops still recovering from trauma of the landings. A RND brigade begins landing at Anzac
Apr 29 - Heavy Turkish attacks all along the Anzac line. RND brigade completes its reinforcement at Anzac
April 30 - Australian submarine AE2 sunk in Sea of Marmara
May 1/2 - Night attack by 21 Turkish battalions at Helles breaks into French and British positions and is only stopped with great difficulty
May 2 - Canterbury Battalion raids a Turkish outpost at Lala Baba (Suvla)
May 2/3 - New Zealand and RND attack on Baby 700 fails
May 4 - Australian raid on Gaba Tepe is beaten off
May 5/6 - Australian 2nd Brigade and NZ Infantry Brigade leave for Helles
May 6-8 - Second Battle of Krithia, involving combined French, British and ANZAC Forces fails
May 10 - Unsuccessful attack by Australians at the head of Monash Valley
May 12 - Dismounted units of the Australian Light Horse and New Zealand Mounted Rifles arrive at Gallipoli
May 13/14 - HMS Goliath sunk at mouth of the Straits by a Turkish torpedo boat
May 15 - General Bridges mortally wounded
May 19 - Turkish attack at Anzac is beaten off. 10.000 casualties
May 20 - Turks first ask for an armistice at Anzac
May 24 - Armistice to bury the dead
May 25 - HMS Triumph torpedoed off Gaba Tepe by U21
May 27 - HMS Majestic sunk of Cape Helles by U21
May 28 - Late at night, Turks fire mine in front of Quinn's Post
May 29 - Attack on Quinn's Post in which Major Quinn is killed
May 31 - Turkish blockhouse blown up in front of Quinn's by two sappers
June 4 - Third Battle of Krithia: initial successes due to dash of troops but shortage of artillery ammunition and failure of French to seize vital ground on right flank lead to slaughter of Royal Naval Division troops caught by enfilading machine gun fire. Heavy cost (All. 6500 / Tur. 9000). Night raid by Canterbury Infantry, NZEF from Quinn's Post at night
June 5 - New sortie against German Officers' Trench in front of Courtney's Post
June 7/8 - Night sortie from Quinn's Post
June 8 - First naval monitor appears off Anzac
June 21 - French capture the Haricot Redoubt at Helles at heavy cost (All. 2500 / Tur. 6000)
June 28 - Battle of Gully Ravine. Costly advance on left flank of British VIII Corps and outstanding performance of Gurkhas who storm cliffs to take Turks in rear, but eventual failure caused again by lack of artillery support. (All. 3500 / Tur. unknown)
June 29/30 - Last Turkish attack at Anzac fails
July 1-7 - Secret treaty between Germany and Bulgaria signed
July 2 - Strong but unsuccessful Turkish attack at Helles
July 4/5 - Another Turkish attack at Helles beaten back with heavy casualties (All. neglectible / Turkish 16000)
July 10 - Turks at Cape Helles ask for armistice to bury their dead, but the Allied Command refuses
July 12 - General Masnou, commander of 1st French Division at Helles, is mortally wounded
July 12/13 - Allied attack at Helles over 1 mile front (Allied 4000 / Turkish 10000)
July 31 - Australians take Turkish trench opposite Tasmania Post
Aug 3 - 13th Division arrive at Anzac
Aug 6/7 - Launch of major allied offensive aimed at taking the Sari Bair ridge and advancing to the Narrows. British attack at Cape Helles. Australians attack at Lone Pine, Quinn's Post and The Nek. Old No3 Post retaken, Table Top and Bauchop's Hill taken by the New Zealanders. Damakjelik Bair captured by the Left Covering Force
Aug 7 - British IX Corps Corps lands at Suvla Bay before dawn, but followed by failure to advance onto vital high ground results in stalemate on the Suvla Plain. At Anzac the Rhododendron Spur is taken by the New Zealanders. Repulse of attack at The Nek by Australian Light Horse Brigade. Failure of diversionary attack at Helles
Aug 8 - Wellington Battalion captures top of Chunk Bair. IX Corps at Suvla remains inactive.
Aug 9 - Gurkhas reach the saddle between Hill Q and Chunuk Bair. New Zealanders on Chunuk Bair relieved by New Army Troops.
Aug 10 - New Army Troops driven off Chunuk Bair by Turkish counter attack. Unsuccessful British attack at Suvla
Aug 11 - Stalemate at Suvla, caused by incompetence of military command, scapegoat to made of General Stopford
Aug 12 - The 5th Norfolks 'disappear' during a fruitless attack at Suvla and enter history as "the Vanished Battalion"
Aug 14 - Telegram from Kitchener to Hamilton, with the proposal to recall Stopford
Aug 15 - Unsuccessful British attack at Suvla along the Kiretch Tepe
Aug 20 - Italy declares war on Turkey.
Aug 21 - Hamilton's final major attack fails, with heavy loss, known as the Battle of Scimitar Hill (Suvla). The first attack on Hill 60 (Anzac) begin. As for troops engaged, the biggest action of the entire Gallipoli campaign.
Aug 27 - Battle renewed for possession of Hill 60, which is never fully captured
Aug 28 - New Zealanders hold and consolidate their position on Hill 60
Sep 2 - "Southland" transport with 2nd Division troops torpedoed
Sep 20 - Bulgarian treaty with Turkey announced
Sep 25 - Allied offensive in France begins. Turkish-Bulgarian agreement
Sep 29 - British and Indian troops enter Kut-el-Amara
Sep 30 - 10th (Irish) Division leaves Suvla for Salonika
Oct 3 - 2nd French Division leaves for Salonika
Oct 5 - Allied troops land in Salonika
Oct 7 - Britain offers Cyprus to Greece
Oct 8 - First autumn storm causes damage to Allied harbours at Suvla and Anzac
Oct 9 - Attack on Serbia and Belgrade captured by Austro-Germans
Oct 11 - Lord Kitchener asks Ian Hamilton the estimated cost of evacuation. Hamilton thinks 50% casualties might be expected
Oct 12 - Sir Ian Hamilton replies that evacuation is unthinkable
Oct 14 - In the House of Lords, Lord Milner and Lord Ribblesdale urge evacuation of Gallipoli
Oct 15 - Britain and Bulgaria at war.
Oct 16 - Kitchener removes Sir Ian Hamilton from command and replaced by General Monro who on arrival confirmed that withdrawal was essential. Kitchener visited in person early in November and agreed.
Oct 17 - General Sir Ian Hamilton relinquishes command of Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
Oct 20 - General Monro, in London, receives instructions to proceed to the Near East and take over command of the MEF
Oct 27 - General Sir Charles Monroe takes over command of Force
Oct 30 - General Monro first visits the Peninsula
Nov 13 - Lord Kitchener lands at Anzac
Nov 15 - Churchill resigns as Lord of the Admiralty and leaves the British Cabinet
Nov 24 - Period of silence is ordered to last 72 hours
Nov 26 - Major General Godley assumes command of the Anzac Corps
Nov 27/28 - Commencement of the Great Blizzard
Nov 30 - End of the blizzard reveals that the Allied forces had lost 1/10th of their strength
Dec 3 - General Townshend besieged at Kut-el-Amara
Dec 7 - British Government orders evacuation
Dec 8 - General Monro orders Birdwood to proceed with the evacuation of Anzac and Suvla
Dec 10/11 - All sick, wounded, surplus troops, vehicles and valuable stores removed
Dec 12 - Announcement at Anzac that a winter rest camp at Imbros will be formed. Surplus guns removed
Dec 15 - Detailed orders for evacuation issued
Dec 16 - All ranks warned of impending operations
Dec 19 - Last night of Anzac and Suvla evacuation
Dec 20 - Anzac and Suvla evacuation completed without casualties. Troops brought to Lemnos
Dec 21-30 - Troops transferred to Egypt
Jan 8/9 - Helles evacuation completed