Looking for relatives of Anzacs at 3rd London General Hospital, Wandsworth
HELP PLEASE – A call out to our Australian friends. Do you have a relative who was treated in the 3rd London General Hospital, Wandsworth during the 1st World War?
The family of John Diaper have a stunning A5 leather bound book from this period. It includes notes, drawings, photographs and comments from the soldiers who were treated at the hospital.
John would like to track down any relatives of the people in the book – can you help?
Email [email protected] and we'll pass on the information to John.
We are looking for relatives of the following:
244 Charles Algie Kirbey, 12th Battalion, B Company from Launceston, Tasmania.
27 year old cook who enlisted on 20 August 1914. Unit embarked from Hobart, Tasmania, on board Transport Geelong on 20 October 1914.
Address: 201 Brisbane Street, Launceston, Tasmania
Mother, Miss J Kirbey, Church Street, Launceston, Tasmania
Returned to Australia 12 November 1916
646 Private Edward Ryan, 23rd Battalion, C Company from North Fitzroy, Victoria.
Enlisted under an assumed name of Edward John Dunkley
29 year old Sailor who enlisted on 2 March 1915. Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A14 Euripides on 10 May 1915.
Died 7 July 1966. Buried Fawkner Cemetery.
Next of kin was his father, A Ryan, 39 Kneen Street, North Fitzroy, Victoria
Common law wife - May Hines aka Mrs Dunkley, 16 McDonald Street, Paddington, NSW.
Address in 1917 – 58 Coomber Street, Paddington, NSW.
Address in 1919 – With his real wife, Mrs Catherine Ryan, 25 Gratton Street, Prahran, Carlton, Vic
Address in 1920 – 295 Crown Street, Surrey Hills, Sydney.
316 Trooper Sydney Sporne, 6th Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron from Petersham, New South Wales.
Labourer who enlisted on 25 September 1914. Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board Transport A29 Suevic on 21 December 1914.
Returned to Australia 23 October 1918
Address: 53 Temple Street, Petersham, New South Wales
Next of kin mother, Mrs. H. Sporne, 53 Temple Street, Petersham, New South Wales
Daughter's address in 1967 – Mrs Jessie Pascoe, 48 Gymea Bay Road, Gymea, NSW
775 Private Percival Reuban Carne, 7th Battalion, G Company from Bendigo, Victoria.
A carpenter who enlisted on 18 August 1914. Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board Transport A20 Hororata on 19 October 1914
Returned to Australia 9 August 1919.
Died 4 February 1958 aged 71.
Buried in White Hills Cemetery, Victoria
Mother, Mrs J A Carne, 12 Lucan Street, Bendigo, Victoria
Brother's address in 1967, William Albert Claude Carne, 20 Miller Street, Glenhuntley, Victoria, 3163
2236 Lance Corporal Driver Donald Alfred Eldridge, Australian Reserve Park 1, Company 10, from Hamilton, Victoria.
Watchmaker who enlisted on 17 September 1914. Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A26 Armadale on 20 October 1914.
Returned to Australia 4 December 1918
Address: Gray Street, Hamilton, Victoria
Father, Alfred Eldridge, Balliang, via Bacchus Marsh, Victoria
Lieutenant Walter Cheyne Belford, 11th Battalion, 12th Reinforcement from Perth, Western Australia.
A schoolmaster who enlisted on 18 September 1915. Unit embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia, on board RMS Mongolia on 22 November 1915.
23.11.16 3rd London General Hospital to 30.12.16 with Bronchitis
Returned to Australia 10 May 1919
Address: High School, George Street, Perth, Western Australia
Wife, Mrs H M Belford, Miladu Farm, Balligue via Wongen Hills, Western Australia
1920 Address: W C Belford, Braeside, Ballidu, Western Australia
Dad: Fred Belford, 81 Morningside Drive, Edinburgh, Scotland
697 Alexander Thomas Campbell Clarke, 18th Battalion, B Company from Sydney, New South Wales.
A clerk who enlisted on 26 April 1915. Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board Transport Ceramic on 25 June 1915.
Father, Thomas James Clarke, 4 Bridge Street, Sydney, New South Wales
Brother – Albert Clarke, 12 Vernon Street, Strathfield, NSW 2135 in 1967
2104 Corporal Harold James Allen, 26th Battalion, 4th Reinforcement from Brisbane, Queensland.
A railway fireman who enlisted on 30 July 1915. Unit embarked from Brisbane, Queensland, on board HMAT Armadale on 20 September 1915.
Returned to Australia 23 September 1918
Address in 1915 - Eagle Terrace, Auchenflower, Brisbane, Queensland
Father, George Albert Allen, Eagle Terrace, Auchenflower, Brisbane, Queensland
620 Trooper Richard Henry Gook, 4th Light Horse Regiment, 1st Reinforcement born Bridgewater, Victoria.
A clerk who enlisted 10 September 1914. Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A43 Barunga on 22 December 1914.
Wounded in the left foot 12 August 1915 at Gaba Tepe.
Returned to Australia 31 August 1916 with tuberculosis of the lung.
Discharged as medically unfit on 21 November 1916.
Died 18th June 1971.
Plaque in Victorian Garden of Remembrance.
Address in 1916 – 117 Chapel Street, St Kilda, Victoria & The Gallaway, Brooke Street, Inglewood, Victoria
Parents: A H Gook, Butchers, Inglewood, Victoria
Address in 1938 – Birchip, Victoria
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