Watch: Gallipoli veteran’s Wogan interview
A video featuring a Gallipoli veteran has re-surfaced on YouTube after being unexpectedly removed some time ago.
Malcom Hancock was not only a Gallipoli veteran but also a former President of the Gallipoli Association. He appeared on the Wogan TV show to talk about Gallipoli.
We would like to thank one of our members, Malcolm Harris, for telling us about the video being added back on to YouTube, Malcom also provided the following information.
"Malcolm Hancock was awarded the M.C. For saving my grandfathers life at Suvla Bay 17/8/1915 as a result of which I traced and became firm friends with his Grandson, Richard Hancock, who in turn was able to track down and arrange for Wogan’s interview to be put on YouTube."
Malcolm wrote a piece for the Gallipolian, the Gallipoli Association journal. Members are able to access this on our website: journal number 162, Autumn 2023 edition. The title of the article is John W Rideout 1899 to 1971.
For further information on this you can also access an interview with Malcolm Hancock on the Imperial War Museum website which he undertook with historian Peter Hart.
We would like to thank Malcolm Harris and Richard Hancock for getting the video back on YouTube and for letting the GA know.

Photo: Malcolm Harris and Gallipoli Association Hon Secretary Margaret Carter.